Turning Intelligence and Data into Practical Solutions
Since 2010, we’ve applied cutting-edge innovation and advanced engineering design to precision ag solutions. What started with one of the first-to-market automated lettuce thinners has evolved into a continuous path toward technology and an expanded operating fleet of smart equipment and data solutions for the future.
The Smart Thinner delivers unmatched performance compared to traditional hand-thinning with the highest accuracy and automation consistency on the market.

The Smart Sprayer utilizes our core plant detection technology to minimize chemical use and maximize control.

The Future of Ag Technology
Our vision is to deliver tomorrow’s ag solutions for new levels of control and performance to our customers today. We will continuously work toward products that reduce growers’ reliance on labor and supplement decision-making through data and its practical application, ultimately making precision ag more efficient.
With the Smart Cultivator, we’re rethinking and revitalizing traditional cultivation by applying a modern approach to how many operations can be completed at one time, maximizing efficiency in the field. That approach engages vision, automation, application and mechanical controls in a straightforward operator interface that captures job summary data and performance analysis to enable farm managers and owners to fine-tune management practices.
FieldSight is the software engine at the core of all Mantis products. Developed and proven in California fields over the past decade to become one of the most adopted machine control technologies in agriculture, FieldSight offers a straightforward operator interface and remote monitoring, reporting and support capability. It seamlessly integrates to manage all onboard technology systems including vision, automation, application and mechanical controls. Data capture, job summary and performance analysis capabilities enable farm managers and owners to fine-tune management practices and execute an array of field trials, variety tests and validation programs.
Let's Connect
If you’re ready for more efficiency and control, our robust portfolio of smart products, supporting services and technology are ready to enable you to make better decisions in your time-sensitive field operations. Putting Mantis in your fields makes farming a little bit easier. And that’s just smart.